Club meetings every Wednesday.
Blue Hills Room
2315 Tuttle Creek Blvd
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month
Lunch: 11:30AM
Program: 12:00PM
All Other Wednesdays
Coffee and Socializing: 6:00AM
Breakfast: 6:30AM
Program: 7:00AM
Club meetings every Wednesday.
Blue Hills Room
2315 Tuttle Creek Blvd
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month
Lunch: 11:30AM
Program: 12:00PM
All Other Wednesdays
Coffee and Socializing: 6:00AM
Breakfast: 6:30AM
Program: 7:00AM
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month
Lunch: 11:30AM
Program: 12:00PM
All Other Wednesdays
Coffee and Socializing: 6:00AM
Breakfast: 6:30AM
Program: 7:00AM