The "Manhattan Optimist Club Bulletin": Vol. 2024 #21: 2-21-24

Posted February 23, 2024

                                VOLUME 2024            FEBRUARY 21         NUMBER 21

President Bill Wisdom, welcomed everyone and gave us the wonderful morning blessing, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  

ACHES & PAINS:  Keep the families of Oscar Larmer and Tom Claman in your thoughts and prayers.  Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with them all.       

Ryan Smallwood, Special Education Instructor at Eisenhower Middle School
PROGRAM:  Bill Wisdom turned the program over to Gary Lloyd who introduced us to Ryan Smallwood, Special Education Instructor at Eisenhower Middle School.  Ryan spoke with much energy and passion; he believes strongly in community involvement.  He teaches his students to “be your best self” and teaches about self-reflection, it is so important to really know who you are.   Ryan is also very involved with the Flint Hills Summer Fun Camp for his students as well as others. 

Flint Hills Summer Camp was started in 2010 by parents and continues today as a way to provide a structured, fun summer experience for children with autism-spectrum disorders and peer models. Since then, camp has continued to grow and provide opportunities for many children with a variety of special needs. Peer models are still an important component of our camp as research shows that children learn best from their peers.  The goals are:

  1. Prevent cognitive regression over summer months
  2. Improve transition between school years
  3. Encourage socialization skills with same-aged peers
  4. Promote physical activity
  5. Provide a safe environment for students to work on individual goals, including academics, communication, gross and fine motor skills, self-esteem, and social skills

Mission Statement 

It is our mission to prepare each student to be a contributing member of society and to participate successfully in our local, as well as the global, community.  We direct students to achieve academic skills while at the same time facilitating their social and emotional development, with a goal of becoming lifelong learners.


Our students are educated in a school community where everyone belongs and is accepted.  Every attempt is made to educate students with special education needs in the least restrictive (inclusive education) environment.  Our primary goal is to integrate them into general education classes; however, we make modifications and provide supplementary aids and services in an effort to foster success.


Jeremy Allen was formally inducted into the club – Welcome Jeremy!

SAVE THE DATE:   Lawn Mower Clinic March 5th
SAVE THE DATE:  Special Olympics State Basketball Tournament: March 15th and 16th (scorekeepers needed)
SAVE THE DATE:  Annual Spaghetti Dinner: March 23rd Please sign up to work some shifts. 
SAVE THE DATE:  Aggieville Chili Crawl, October 19

GUESTS:  No other guests this morning.  

Meeting adjourned with the OPTIMIST CREED.

FEBRUARY PROGRAMS:  Program Chairs:  Sharon Fincham, Gary Lloyd & Mike Fincham

FEBRUARY 28:                   Rachel Veenstra, K-State Department of Agronomy

NOON MEETING              “A Crop Judging Dynasty – 32nd National Championship”

                                                 Coordinator:        Mike Fincham

MARCH PROGRAMS:   Program Chairs:  Sharon Fincham, Heather Peterson & Mike Fincham

                MARCH 6:                            Youth of the Month,

                MORNING MEETING      Amanda Arnold Elementary and Northview Elementary Schools

                                                                Coordinator:      Sharon Fincham

                MARCH 13:                         Student of the Month Presentation

                NOON MEETING              Program: Margaret Haden, Manager of Alzheimers Association

                                                                “Alzheimer’s Warning Signs”

                                                                Coordinator:      Heather Peterson

                MARCH 20:                         Program:  Patrick Fu, Manhattan High School Robotics

                MORNING MEETING      “Manhattan High School Robotics Club”

                                                                Coordinator:      Mike Fincham

                MARCH 27:                         Program:  Katharine Henfler, Director-Riley County Historical Society

                NOON MEETING              “Leading Ladies – Influential Women in Riley County History”      

                                                                Coordinator:      Mike